What is Portable Load Bank?
Resistive portable load banks are used for GPU testing and maintenance purposes; they simulate the aircraft that is connected to the GPU. In real life situation the aircraft is served by the GPU and it uses its energy in order to be powered while on ground. On the other hand our portable load bank connected to GPU uses its energy to simulate the consumption of an aircraft.
Why Dekal Load Banks LLC?
Dekal Load Banks LLC is the only manufacturer on the market capable of offering a complete range of portable resistive load banks, power analyzers and other accessories for maintenance and testing purposes of 400Hz ACand 28.5V DC Ground Power Units. Since the launch of the first resistive portable load bank, our development efforts were concentrated on transforming the simple load bank into a precise and powerful measuring instrument. By now, our load banks are the only products on the market of its kind to offer an extensive analysis of the GPU’s output performances, with the latest available technology and unique software support that was developed by our own research and technical support.
What does it do?
Load banks are used to provide a desired load to the GPU in order to evaluate its performances. Since a broken GPU can cause damage to the aircraft, a load bank is the only choice of providing failure diagnostics, testing after routine maintenance as well as critical equipment testing. An additional very common application of load banks is the regular decarbonization of diesel driven GPUs, which is essential to maintain the engine at its original performance and prevents further engine damages.
How does your product designation work?
As you go through our catalogue you will notice that there are two main groups of products “ALB” and “DLB”. These are our portable load banks designations and they stand for:
“ALB” = AC Load Bank
“DLB” = DC Load Bank
“AP” = Analogue Panel
“DP” = Digital Panel
“DU” ending = Digital-USB Supported
“DW” ending = Digital-USB&WiFi Supported
“ESS” = Engine Start Simulation
The AC type (ALBs) numerical designation stands for the load/power factor in kilowatts (kW); where its number represents maximum load capability (E.g. 120=120kW). DC type (DLBs) numerical designation on the other hand represents hundreds of amperes (A) “03” being 300A and “25” being 2500A. Among most of the models an option of engine start simulation (ESS) is implemented; that being clearly visible from model designation.
“CPT“ = Cable Plug Tester
“PTG-D“ = Pin TestinG Device
“ANA“ = Analyzer
“ALBT“ = AC Load Bank Twin
“EP“ – External Power (option)
“YCN” – Y CoNnecton
“GCT“ – GPU Cable Tester
“TRE“ – Testing REcepticule
Where to buy and order Dekal Load Banks products?
By sending us quotation directly or through our online forms, either way you will be treated and supported the same way. We seek to perfection all the time and we intend to do so in the future. There is no automatic system available with Dekal Load Banks LLC, every request is treated individually.
What is the products warranty duration?
Our general warranty is 24 months with the addition of our extensive customer support department during and after this period. Our reaction time is fast and every issue is being discussed with personal approach. Constant spare parts availability and 24-hour shipment option is one of distinguished services within Dekal Load Banks LLC customer support.